14/03/25 06:25:31 AM

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Medical School: University of Toronto, 1954
Gender: Man
Languages Spoken: ENGLISH

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: Address not Available
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: No Information Available
Fax: No Information Available


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Gender: Man
Languages Spoken: ENGLISH
Medical School: University of Toronto, 1954

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: Address not Available
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: No Information Available
Fax: No Information Available


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

Practice Conditions

This physician is inactive (Expired, Resigned, Suspended, Revoked, or Deceased) and is not permitted to practise medicine.
This physician is inactive (Expired, Resigned, Suspended, Revoked, or Deceased) and is not permitted to practise medicine.

Current Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Past Tribunal Proceedings (1)

Date of Decision: 07 Dec 1988
Summary of Decision:
In December 1988, Dr. Dobbs pleaded guilty to a charge of professional misconduct, as defined in s. 27(27) of Ontario Regulation 448/80, as amended, in that he failed to provide within a reasonable time and without cause a report or certificate requested by a patient or his authorized agent in respect of an examination or treatment performed by him. The Discipline Committee accepted this plea and found Dr. Dobbs guilty of professional misconduct. Consequently, the Committee ordered that Dr. Dobbs be reprimanded, with the fact of the reprimand to be recorded on the Register; that he be fined the sum of $2000.00, and that his licence to practice be suspended for a period of three months. The suspension was itself to be suspended on the following conditions:

1. Dr. Dobbs was to present himself for his reprimand.

2. Dr. Dobbs was to pay his fine within sixty days of this Order becoming final.

3. Dr. Dobbs was to provide to the College every six months a notarized report showing the dates of receipt of all requests for medical reports and the corresponding dates that such reports were mailed, on the understanding that such reports were to be mailed within sixty days of the date on which the requests were received.

Should it be thought that the suspension of part of Dr. Dobbs( penalty engaged the provisions of s. 26(c) of the Regulations, then the Discipline Committee noted that it would recommend to Council that the Doctor(s name be published notwithstanding.
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): 07 Dec 1988

Current Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Past Tribunal Proceedings (1)

Date of Decision: 07 Dec 1988
Summary of Decision:
In December 1988, Dr. Dobbs pleaded guilty to a charge of professional misconduct, as defined in s. 27(27) of Ontario Regulation 448/80, as amended, in that he failed to provide within a reasonable time and without cause a report or certificate requested by a patient or his authorized agent in respect of an examination or treatment performed by him. The Discipline Committee accepted this plea and found Dr. Dobbs guilty of professional misconduct. Consequently, the Committee ordered that Dr. Dobbs be reprimanded, with the fact of the reprimand to be recorded on the Register; that he be fined the sum of $2000.00, and that his licence to practice be suspended for a period of three months. The suspension was itself to be suspended on the following conditions:

1. Dr. Dobbs was to present himself for his reprimand.

2. Dr. Dobbs was to pay his fine within sixty days of this Order becoming final.

3. Dr. Dobbs was to provide to the College every six months a notarized report showing the dates of receipt of all requests for medical reports and the corresponding dates that such reports were mailed, on the understanding that such reports were to be mailed within sixty days of the date on which the requests were received.

Should it be thought that the suspension of part of Dr. Dobbs( penalty engaged the provisions of s. 26(c) of the Regulations, then the Discipline Committee noted that it would recommend to Council that the Doctor(s name be published notwithstanding.
Appeal: No Appeal
Hearing Date(s): 07 Dec 1988


Medical School: University of Toronto, 1954

Registration History

Expired: Resigned from membership. Effective: 01 Jun 2008
First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 17 Jun 1955
DETAILS: Expired: Resigned from membership.
Date: Effective: 01 Jun 2008

DETAILS: First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate
Date: Effective: 17 Jun 1955