14/01/25 03:54:37 AM

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Medical School: Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, 1972
Gender: Man
Languages Spoken: ENGLISH, FRENCH

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: High Point Medical Centre
303 - 3461 Dixie Rd
Mississauga Ontario L4Y 3X4
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: (905) 625-0889
Fax: (905) 625-9702


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Gender: Man
Languages Spoken: ENGLISH, FRENCH
Medical School: Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, 1972

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: High Point Medical Centre
303 - 3461 Dixie Rd
Mississauga Ontario L4Y 3X4
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: (905) 625-0889
Fax: (905) 625-9702


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

Practice Conditions

21 Oct 2021
STATUS: Restricted
A physician who has a restricted licence must follow specific terms and conditions in their practice.
A physician who has a restricted licence must follow specific terms and conditions in their practice.
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As from July 8, 2016, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Wycliffe Hobart Baird in accordance with an undertaking and consent given by Dr. Baird to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:



("Dr. Baird")


(the "College")


(1) In this Undertaking:

"Code" means the Health Professions Procedural Code, which is Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18, as amended;

"ICR Committee" means the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College;

"NMS" means the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010;

"OHIP" means the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.

(2) I, Dr. Baird, certificate of registration number 24565, am a member of the College. The College has received information regarding my standard of practice.


(3) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge and agree that I am bound by this Undertaking from the date on which I sign it.

(4) Practice Restriction

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that, effective immediately, I will cease to engage in the practice of Emergency Medicine.

(5) Clinical Supervision

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor(s) acceptable to the College (the "Clinical Supervisor(s)"), for at least six months in duration ("Clinical Supervision").

(b) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that I have reviewed the Clinical Supervisor(s)'s undertaking, attached hereto as Appendix "A", and understand what is required of the Clinical Supervisor(s). The Clinical Supervisor(s) will, at minimum:

(i) Facilitate the education program set out in the Individualized Education Plan ("IEP") attached as Appendix "B";

(ii) Review at least fifteen to twenty (15-20) of my patient charts once every month;

(iii) Meet with me once every month;

(iv) Discuss any concerns arising from the chart reviews;

(v) Make recommendations to me for practice improvements and ongoing professional development and inquire into my compliance with the recommendations;

(vi) Perform any other duties, such as reviewing other documents or conducting interviews with staff or colleagues, that the Clinical Supervisor(s) deem necessary to my Clinical Supervision; and

(vii) Submit written reports to the College at least once every three months, or more frequently if the Clinical Supervisor(s) has concerns about my standard of practice.

(c) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that the charts reviewed shall be selected by the Clinical Supervisor(s) based on the educational needs identified in the IEP set out at Appendix "B" to my Undertaking, as well as the areas of concern identified in the reports of the medical inspector dated March 26, 2016 and June 13, 2016, and concerns that may arise during the period of Clinical Supervision.

(d) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to cooperate fully with the Clinical Supervision of my practice, conducted under the term of this Undertaking and Appendix "A" attached, and to abide by the recommendations of my Clinical Supervisor(s), including but not limited to, any recommended practice improvements and ongoing professional development.

(e) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to ensure that Appendix "A" to this Undertaking, is signed and delivered to the College within thirty (30) days of the date I execute this Undertaking.

(f) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that if a person who has given an undertaking in Appendix "A" to this Undertaking is unable or unwilling to continue to fulfill its provisions, I shall, within twenty (20) days of receiving notice of same, obtain an executed undertaking in the same form from a similarly qualified person who is acceptable to the College and ensure that it is delivered to the College within that time.

(g) I, Dr. Baird, agree that if I am unable to obtain a Clinical Supervisor on the provisions set out under sections (5)(e) and/or (f) above, I will cease practising medicine until such time as I have obtained a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College.

(h) I, Dr. Baird, agree that if I am required to cease practise as a result of section (5)(g) above this will constitute a term, condition or limitation on my certificate of registration and that term, condition or limitation will be included on the public register.

(6) Reassessment of Practice

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that, approximately six (6) months after the completion of the Clinical Supervision set out in section (3) above and Appendix "A" attached, I will submit to a Reassessment of my practice ("the Reassessment") by an assessor or assessors selected by the College (the "Assessor(s)"). I acknowledge and agree that the Reassessment may include a chart review, direct observation of my care, interviews with colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients and any other tools deemed necessary by the College.

(b) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to co-operate fully with the Reassessment, conducted under the term of this Undertaking.

(c) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge and agree that my Clinical Supervisor(s) may receive and review the findings of the Assessor(s), and may discuss with the Assessor(s) any issues or concerns arising from the Reassessment. I also acknowledge that the results of the Reassessment will be provided to me and reported to the College and the report may form the basis of further action by the College.

(d) I, Dr. Baird, understand and agree that if I am of the view that any of the Assessor(s)'s recommendations are unreasonable, I will have thirty (30) days following my receipt of the recommendations within which to provide the College with my submissions in this regard. I further understand and agree that thereafter, the ICR Committee will consider my submissions and make a determination regarding whether or not the recommendations, or any of them, are reasonable and if so, whether they, or any of them, constitute limitations or restrictions on my practice, and that decision will be provided to me.

(e) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that, following the decision referenced in section (6)(d) above, I will abide by those recommendations of the Assessor(s) that the ICR Committee has determined are reasonable.

(f) I, Dr. Baird, hereby consent to any of the following being included on the public register as terms, conditions or limitations on my certificate of registration, for the purposes of section 23 of the Code:

(i) any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which are terms, conditions or limitations on my practice;

(ii) any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which the ICR Committee has identified in its decision referenced in section (6)(d) as terms, conditions or limitations on my practice.

(7) Monitoring

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to inform the College of each and every location that I practise or have privileges, including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s) and office(s), in any jurisdiction (collectively my "Practice Location(s)"), within fifteen (15) days of executing this Undertaking. Going forward, I further undertake to inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within fifteen (15) days of commencing practice at that location.

(b) I, Dr. Baird, undertake and agree that I will submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of my Practice Location(s) and patient records by a College representative for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(c) I, Dr. Baird, give my irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of OHIP and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(d) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that I have executed the OHIP consent form, attached hereto as Appendix "C".

(8) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to comply with this Undertaking and acknowledge that a breach by me of any provision of this Undertaking may constitute an act of professional misconduct and/or incompetence, and may result in a referral of specified allegations to the Discipline Committee of the College.


(9) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that all appendices attached to or referred to in this Undertaking form part of this Undertaking.

(10) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that I shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the provisions of this Undertaking.

(11) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge and confirm that I have read and understand the provisions of this Undertaking and that I have obtained independent legal counsel in reviewing and executing this Undertaking, or have waived my right to do so.

(12) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that this entire Undertaking constitutes terms, conditions, and limitations on my certificate of registration for the purposes of section 23 of the Code. I understand that this Undertaking shall be information on the College's Register that is available to the public during the time period that the Undertaking remains in effect.

(13) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that the following summary will appear on the College's Register that is available to the public during the time of Supervision and Re-assessment of his practice:

Dr. Baird will practise under the guidance of a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College for 6 months.

Dr. Baird's practice will be reassessed by an assessor selected by the College within 6 months of the end of the period of Clinical Supervision.

(14) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that the following summary will appear on the College's Register that is available to the public during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect:

Dr. Baird does not practice Emergency Medicine.


(15) I, Dr. Baird, give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide this Undertaking to any Chief of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location ("Chief(s) of Staff"), and to provide said Chief(s) of Staff with any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking and/or any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(16) I, Dr. Baird, give my irrevocable consent to any person who requires this information for the purposes of facilitating my compliance with this undertaking and to all Clinical Supervisors, Chiefs of Staff and Assessors, to disclose to the College, and to one another, any information:

(a) relevant to this Undertaking;

(b) relevant to the provisions of the Clinical Supervisor's undertaking set out at Appendix "A";

(c) relevant to the Reassessment; and

(d) relevant for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with this Undertaking.

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As from July 8, 2016, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Wycliffe Hobart Baird in accordance with an undertaking and consent given by Dr. Baird to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:



("Dr. Baird")


(the "College")


(1) In this Undertaking:

"Code" means the Health Professions Procedural Code, which is Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18, as amended;

"ICR Committee" means the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College;

"NMS" means the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010;

"OHIP" means the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.

(2) I, Dr. Baird, certificate of registration number 24565, am a member of the College. The College has received information regarding my standard of practice.


(3) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge and agree that I am bound by this Undertaking from the date on which I sign it.

(4) Practice Restriction

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that, effective immediately, I will cease to engage in the practice of Emergency Medicine.

(5) Clinical Supervision

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor(s) acceptable to the College (the "Clinical Supervisor(s)"), for at least six months in duration ("Clinical Supervision").

(b) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that I have reviewed the Clinical Supervisor(s)'s undertaking, attached hereto as Appendix "A", and understand what is required of the Clinical Supervisor(s). The Clinical Supervisor(s) will, at minimum:

(i) Facilitate the education program set out in the Individualized Education Plan ("IEP") attached as Appendix "B";

(ii) Review at least fifteen to twenty (15-20) of my patient charts once every month;

(iii) Meet with me once every month;

(iv) Discuss any concerns arising from the chart reviews;

(v) Make recommendations to me for practice improvements and ongoing professional development and inquire into my compliance with the recommendations;

(vi) Perform any other duties, such as reviewing other documents or conducting interviews with staff or colleagues, that the Clinical Supervisor(s) deem necessary to my Clinical Supervision; and

(vii) Submit written reports to the College at least once every three months, or more frequently if the Clinical Supervisor(s) has concerns about my standard of practice.

(c) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that the charts reviewed shall be selected by the Clinical Supervisor(s) based on the educational needs identified in the IEP set out at Appendix "B" to my Undertaking, as well as the areas of concern identified in the reports of the medical inspector dated March 26, 2016 and June 13, 2016, and concerns that may arise during the period of Clinical Supervision.

(d) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to cooperate fully with the Clinical Supervision of my practice, conducted under the term of this Undertaking and Appendix "A" attached, and to abide by the recommendations of my Clinical Supervisor(s), including but not limited to, any recommended practice improvements and ongoing professional development.

(e) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to ensure that Appendix "A" to this Undertaking, is signed and delivered to the College within thirty (30) days of the date I execute this Undertaking.

(f) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that if a person who has given an undertaking in Appendix "A" to this Undertaking is unable or unwilling to continue to fulfill its provisions, I shall, within twenty (20) days of receiving notice of same, obtain an executed undertaking in the same form from a similarly qualified person who is acceptable to the College and ensure that it is delivered to the College within that time.

(g) I, Dr. Baird, agree that if I am unable to obtain a Clinical Supervisor on the provisions set out under sections (5)(e) and/or (f) above, I will cease practising medicine until such time as I have obtained a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College.

(h) I, Dr. Baird, agree that if I am required to cease practise as a result of section (5)(g) above this will constitute a term, condition or limitation on my certificate of registration and that term, condition or limitation will be included on the public register.

(6) Reassessment of Practice

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that, approximately six (6) months after the completion of the Clinical Supervision set out in section (3) above and Appendix "A" attached, I will submit to a Reassessment of my practice ("the Reassessment") by an assessor or assessors selected by the College (the "Assessor(s)"). I acknowledge and agree that the Reassessment may include a chart review, direct observation of my care, interviews with colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients and any other tools deemed necessary by the College.

(b) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to co-operate fully with the Reassessment, conducted under the term of this Undertaking.

(c) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge and agree that my Clinical Supervisor(s) may receive and review the findings of the Assessor(s), and may discuss with the Assessor(s) any issues or concerns arising from the Reassessment. I also acknowledge that the results of the Reassessment will be provided to me and reported to the College and the report may form the basis of further action by the College.

(d) I, Dr. Baird, understand and agree that if I am of the view that any of the Assessor(s)'s recommendations are unreasonable, I will have thirty (30) days following my receipt of the recommendations within which to provide the College with my submissions in this regard. I further understand and agree that thereafter, the ICR Committee will consider my submissions and make a determination regarding whether or not the recommendations, or any of them, are reasonable and if so, whether they, or any of them, constitute limitations or restrictions on my practice, and that decision will be provided to me.

(e) I, Dr. Baird, undertake that, following the decision referenced in section (6)(d) above, I will abide by those recommendations of the Assessor(s) that the ICR Committee has determined are reasonable.

(f) I, Dr. Baird, hereby consent to any of the following being included on the public register as terms, conditions or limitations on my certificate of registration, for the purposes of section 23 of the Code:

(i) any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which are terms, conditions or limitations on my practice;

(ii) any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which the ICR Committee has identified in its decision referenced in section (6)(d) as terms, conditions or limitations on my practice.

(7) Monitoring

(a) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to inform the College of each and every location that I practise or have privileges, including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s) and office(s), in any jurisdiction (collectively my "Practice Location(s)"), within fifteen (15) days of executing this Undertaking. Going forward, I further undertake to inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within fifteen (15) days of commencing practice at that location.

(b) I, Dr. Baird, undertake and agree that I will submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of my Practice Location(s) and patient records by a College representative for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(c) I, Dr. Baird, give my irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of OHIP and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(d) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that I have executed the OHIP consent form, attached hereto as Appendix "C".

(8) I, Dr. Baird, undertake to comply with this Undertaking and acknowledge that a breach by me of any provision of this Undertaking may constitute an act of professional misconduct and/or incompetence, and may result in a referral of specified allegations to the Discipline Committee of the College.


(9) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that all appendices attached to or referred to in this Undertaking form part of this Undertaking.

(10) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that I shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the provisions of this Undertaking.

(11) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge and confirm that I have read and understand the provisions of this Undertaking and that I have obtained independent legal counsel in reviewing and executing this Undertaking, or have waived my right to do so.

(12) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that this entire Undertaking constitutes terms, conditions, and limitations on my certificate of registration for the purposes of section 23 of the Code. I understand that this Undertaking shall be information on the College's Register that is available to the public during the time period that the Undertaking remains in effect.

(13) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that the following summary will appear on the College's Register that is available to the public during the time of Supervision and Re-assessment of his practice:

Dr. Baird will practise under the guidance of a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College for 6 months.

Dr. Baird's practice will be reassessed by an assessor selected by the College within 6 months of the end of the period of Clinical Supervision.

(14) I, Dr. Baird, acknowledge that the following summary will appear on the College's Register that is available to the public during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect:

Dr. Baird does not practice Emergency Medicine.


(15) I, Dr. Baird, give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide this Undertaking to any Chief of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location ("Chief(s) of Staff"), and to provide said Chief(s) of Staff with any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking and/or any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(16) I, Dr. Baird, give my irrevocable consent to any person who requires this information for the purposes of facilitating my compliance with this undertaking and to all Clinical Supervisors, Chiefs of Staff and Assessors, to disclose to the College, and to one another, any information:

(a) relevant to this Undertaking;

(b) relevant to the provisions of the Clinical Supervisor's undertaking set out at Appendix "A";

(c) relevant to the Reassessment; and

(d) relevant for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with this Undertaking.

Current Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Past Tribunal Proceedings (2)

Date of Decision: 16 Oct 2017
Summary of Decision:
On October 16, 2017, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Wycliffe Hobart Baird committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he has engaged in sexual abuse of a patient and in that he has engaged in a conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.

Dr. Baird is a general practitioner who received his certificate of registration authorizing independent practice in Ontario in 1972. At. the relevant time, Dr. Baird practised Emergency Medicine at Trillium Health Partners (“the Hospital”), in Mississauga, Ontario.

Patient A: Dr. Baird’s Comments of a Sexual Nature

In May 2011, Patient A attended the Hospital’s emergency department in respect of a knee injury, sustained after falling off of her motorcycle. Mr. X, who was with Patient A at the time of her injury, attended at the Hospital with her. Patient A was provided with a hospital gown and removed her pants, so that her injury could be assessed by Dr. Baird.

When Patient A asked Dr. Baird when she would be able to stand on the leg, Dr. Baird responded that she could stand on the leg at whatever point she was able to handle the pain.

Patient A then asked Dr. Baird when she would be able to ride her motorcycle. Dr. Baird looked at Mr. X and stated words to the effect of: “he looks like a motorcycle, you could ride him.” Patient A was shocked and offended by this comment, which she perceived as sexual harassment. She promptly complained to the Hospital.

When Dr. Baird was advised of the complaint, he expressed regret for his actions and remorse that the patient had been emotionally injured by the encounter. Dr. Baird agreed to write a letter of apology to the patient, including an assurance to the patient that as a result of this interaction being brought forward, he would change his behaviour.

The letter of apology was not sent to Patient A. Instead, the Hospital attempted to arrange a meeting between Patient A and Dr. Baird. However, Patient A rejected the invitation to meet with Dr. Baird.

Nurse A: Dr. Baird’s Inappropriate Comments
During an evening shift on April 29, 2012, Dr. Baird was the attending Emergency Room doctor. Nurse A was standing at the nursing station together with her co-workers when Dr. Baird was speaking to a patient and providing indirect instructions to the nursing staff.

When the patient had left, Dr. Baird asked the nursing staff whether the instructions were understood. Nurse A jokingly stated that she did not understand. Dr. Baird turned around in his chair to face Nurse A, patted his knees and said: “Nurse A come and sit on my lap so that I can spank you.” This comment was made in front of the nursing staff and two patients. Nurse A and her nursing colleagues then left the area.

Nurse A was upset and offended as a result of Dr. Baird’s comments. At the end of the shift, Nurse A informed Dr. Baird that she felt uncomfortable, embarrassed and insulted by his comments. Dr. Baird apologized and stated that it should be taken as a joke. Nurse A filed a formal complaint against Dr. Baird.

As a result of the complaint, Dr. Baird agreed to provide a formal letter of apology and to seek professional coaching with respect to eliminating inappropriate comments in the workplace, demonstrating professional conduct and developing a sense of empathy in order to understand how his comments can impact others.

Dr. Baird successfully completed the professional coaching.


- On November 1, 2017, the Discipline Committee ordered and directed that:
The Registrar suspend Dr. Baird’s certificate of registration for a period of two months, to commence thirty (30) days from the date of this Order.
- The Registrar impose the following term, condition and limitation on Dr. Baird’s certificate of registration:
- Dr. Baird successfully complete individualized (one-on-one) instruction in medical ethics, with an instructor approved by the College, at his own expense and provide proof of completion to the College prior to his resumption of practice.
- Dr. Baird reimburse the College for funding provided to Patient A under the program required under section 85.7 of the Code, by posting an irrevocable letter of credit or other security acceptable to the College, within thirty days of the date of this Order, in the amount of $16,060.00.
- Dr. Baird appear before the panel to be reprimanded within sixty (60) days of this Order.
- Dr. Baird pay costs to the College in the amount of $5,500.00 within thirty (30) days of this Order.
Reasons for Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): October 16, 2017

Date of Decision: 16 May 1990
Summary of Decision:
In May 1990, the Discipline Committee found Dr. Baird guilty of professional misconduct, as defined in Ontario Regulation 448/80, as amended, in that he charged a fee that was excessive in relation to the services performed, contrary to s. 27(9); in that he failed to provide within a reasonable time and without cause a report or certificate requested by a patient or his authorized agent in respect of an examination or treatment performed by him, contrary to s. 27(27); and in that he engaged in conduct or an act relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional, contrary to s. 27(32). Consequently, the Committee ordered that Dr. Baird's licence to practice medicine be suspended for a period of three months.
Appeal: Appeal Dismissed
Appeal Decision Date: 1991-06-18
Hearing Date(s): 08 Jan 1990

Other Notifications (4)

Source: Other
Effective Date: 15 Dec 2023

Wycliffe Baird was charged with the following offences:

1.  Sexual Assault, between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, contrary to section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
2.  Sexual Assault, between February 1, 2018 and February 28, 2018, contrary to section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
3.  Uttering Threats to Cause Harm, between November 1, 2018 and November 30, 2018 contrary to section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
4.  Uttering Threats to Cause Harm, between October 1, 2021 and November 30, 2021 contrary to section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Date of Charge:  December 15, 2023
Place of Charge: Mississauga, Ontario 
Peel Regional Police

Source: Other
Effective Date: 08 Dec 2023
Bail Conditions

On December 8, 2023, the following Bail Conditions were imposed on Wycliffe Baird:

1.  Dr. Baird must notify police of any change of address, employment or occupation.
2.  Dr. Baird must not communicate, directly or indirectly, with named person.
3.  Dr. Baird must not go to a specified location or any place where a named person is known to be or frequent.

Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Effective Date: 15 Feb 2019

A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed. A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee. The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015 or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.
See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a Caution-in-Person: 

Source: Member
Effective Date: 08 Jul 2016
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Wycliffe Hobart Baird to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective July 8, 2016:

• Dr. Baird does not practice Emergency Medicine.

Current Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Past Tribunal Proceedings (2)

Date of Decision: 16 Oct 2017
Summary of Decision:
On October 16, 2017, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Wycliffe Hobart Baird committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he has engaged in sexual abuse of a patient and in that he has engaged in a conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.

Dr. Baird is a general practitioner who received his certificate of registration authorizing independent practice in Ontario in 1972. At. the relevant time, Dr. Baird practised Emergency Medicine at Trillium Health Partners (“the Hospital”), in Mississauga, Ontario.

Patient A: Dr. Baird’s Comments of a Sexual Nature

In May 2011, Patient A attended the Hospital’s emergency department in respect of a knee injury, sustained after falling off of her motorcycle. Mr. X, who was with Patient A at the time of her injury, attended at the Hospital with her. Patient A was provided with a hospital gown and removed her pants, so that her injury could be assessed by Dr. Baird.

When Patient A asked Dr. Baird when she would be able to stand on the leg, Dr. Baird responded that she could stand on the leg at whatever point she was able to handle the pain.

Patient A then asked Dr. Baird when she would be able to ride her motorcycle. Dr. Baird looked at Mr. X and stated words to the effect of: “he looks like a motorcycle, you could ride him.” Patient A was shocked and offended by this comment, which she perceived as sexual harassment. She promptly complained to the Hospital.

When Dr. Baird was advised of the complaint, he expressed regret for his actions and remorse that the patient had been emotionally injured by the encounter. Dr. Baird agreed to write a letter of apology to the patient, including an assurance to the patient that as a result of this interaction being brought forward, he would change his behaviour.

The letter of apology was not sent to Patient A. Instead, the Hospital attempted to arrange a meeting between Patient A and Dr. Baird. However, Patient A rejected the invitation to meet with Dr. Baird.

Nurse A: Dr. Baird’s Inappropriate Comments
During an evening shift on April 29, 2012, Dr. Baird was the attending Emergency Room doctor. Nurse A was standing at the nursing station together with her co-workers when Dr. Baird was speaking to a patient and providing indirect instructions to the nursing staff.

When the patient had left, Dr. Baird asked the nursing staff whether the instructions were understood. Nurse A jokingly stated that she did not understand. Dr. Baird turned around in his chair to face Nurse A, patted his knees and said: “Nurse A come and sit on my lap so that I can spank you.” This comment was made in front of the nursing staff and two patients. Nurse A and her nursing colleagues then left the area.

Nurse A was upset and offended as a result of Dr. Baird’s comments. At the end of the shift, Nurse A informed Dr. Baird that she felt uncomfortable, embarrassed and insulted by his comments. Dr. Baird apologized and stated that it should be taken as a joke. Nurse A filed a formal complaint against Dr. Baird.

As a result of the complaint, Dr. Baird agreed to provide a formal letter of apology and to seek professional coaching with respect to eliminating inappropriate comments in the workplace, demonstrating professional conduct and developing a sense of empathy in order to understand how his comments can impact others.

Dr. Baird successfully completed the professional coaching.


- On November 1, 2017, the Discipline Committee ordered and directed that:
The Registrar suspend Dr. Baird’s certificate of registration for a period of two months, to commence thirty (30) days from the date of this Order.
- The Registrar impose the following term, condition and limitation on Dr. Baird’s certificate of registration:
- Dr. Baird successfully complete individualized (one-on-one) instruction in medical ethics, with an instructor approved by the College, at his own expense and provide proof of completion to the College prior to his resumption of practice.
- Dr. Baird reimburse the College for funding provided to Patient A under the program required under section 85.7 of the Code, by posting an irrevocable letter of credit or other security acceptable to the College, within thirty days of the date of this Order, in the amount of $16,060.00.
- Dr. Baird appear before the panel to be reprimanded within sixty (60) days of this Order.
- Dr. Baird pay costs to the College in the amount of $5,500.00 within thirty (30) days of this Order.
Reasons for Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): October 16, 2017

Date of Decision: 16 May 1990
Summary of Decision:
In May 1990, the Discipline Committee found Dr. Baird guilty of professional misconduct, as defined in Ontario Regulation 448/80, as amended, in that he charged a fee that was excessive in relation to the services performed, contrary to s. 27(9); in that he failed to provide within a reasonable time and without cause a report or certificate requested by a patient or his authorized agent in respect of an examination or treatment performed by him, contrary to s. 27(27); and in that he engaged in conduct or an act relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional, contrary to s. 27(32). Consequently, the Committee ordered that Dr. Baird's licence to practice medicine be suspended for a period of three months.
Appeal: Appeal Dismissed
Appeal Decision Date: 1991-06-18
Hearing Date(s): 08 Jan 1990

Other Notifications (4)

Source: Other
Effective Date: 15 Dec 2023

Wycliffe Baird was charged with the following offences:

1.  Sexual Assault, between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, contrary to section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
2.  Sexual Assault, between February 1, 2018 and February 28, 2018, contrary to section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
3.  Uttering Threats to Cause Harm, between November 1, 2018 and November 30, 2018 contrary to section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
4.  Uttering Threats to Cause Harm, between October 1, 2021 and November 30, 2021 contrary to section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Date of Charge:  December 15, 2023
Place of Charge: Mississauga, Ontario 
Peel Regional Police

Source: Other
Effective Date: 08 Dec 2023
Bail Conditions

On December 8, 2023, the following Bail Conditions were imposed on Wycliffe Baird:

1.  Dr. Baird must notify police of any change of address, employment or occupation.
2.  Dr. Baird must not communicate, directly or indirectly, with named person.
3.  Dr. Baird must not go to a specified location or any place where a named person is known to be or frequent.

Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Effective Date: 15 Feb 2019

A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed. A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee. The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015 or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.
See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a Caution-in-Person: 

Source: Member
Effective Date: 08 Jul 2016
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Wycliffe Hobart Baird to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective July 8, 2016:

• Dr. Baird does not practice Emergency Medicine.


Medical School: Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, 1972

Registration History

Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 21 Oct 2021
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 13 Nov 2020
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 07 Mar 2019
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 11 Jul 2018
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 13 Jun 2018
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 28 May 2018
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee. Effective: 06 Feb 2018
Suspension of registration removed. Effective: 01 Feb 2018
Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee Effective: 01 Dec 2017
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee. Effective: 01 Nov 2017
Transfer of class of registration to: Restricted Certificate Effective: 08 Jul 2016
Suspension of registration removed. Effective: 17 Feb 1992
First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 13 Jul 1972
DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 21 Oct 2021

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 13 Nov 2020

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 07 Mar 2019

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 11 Jul 2018

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 13 Jun 2018

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 28 May 2018

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee.
Date: Effective: 06 Feb 2018

DETAILS: Suspension of registration removed.
Date: Effective: 01 Feb 2018

DETAILS: Suspension of registration imposed: Discipline Committee
Date: Effective: 01 Dec 2017

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee.
Date: Effective: 01 Nov 2017

DETAILS: Transfer of class of registration to: Restricted Certificate
Date: Effective: 08 Jul 2016
DETAILS: Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by: Member
Date: Effective: 08 Jul 2016

DETAILS: Suspension of registration removed.
Date: Effective: 17 Feb 1992

DETAILS: First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate
Date: Effective: 13 Jul 1972