18/10/24 11:22:37 AM

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Medical School: University of Toronto, 1984
Gender: Woman
Languages Spoken: ENGLISH

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: Suite 201
3910 Bathurst Street
Toronto Ontario M3H 5Z3
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: (416) 636-7018
Fax: No Information Available


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Gender: Woman
Languages Spoken: ENGLISH
Medical School: University of Toronto, 1984

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: Suite 201
3910 Bathurst Street
Toronto Ontario M3H 5Z3
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: (416) 636-7018
Fax: No Information Available


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

Practice Conditions

03 May 2022
STATUS: Restricted
VIEW DETAILS chevron-down icon
As from 12:01 a.m., May 3, 2022, by order of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Sonja Sophia Kustka:

Practice Restriction

(1) Dr. Kustka shall not provide medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for COVID-19; and

(2) Dr. Kustka shall not prescribe ivermectin.

Posting a Sign and Translations

(3) Dr. Kustka shall post a sign in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms, in all Practice Locations, in a clearly visible and secure location, at all times whether or not she is physically present at the Practice Location, in the form set out at Schedule “A.” If providing care in a virtual setting, Dr. Kustka shall display the sign to the patient at the outset of the patient encounter. If the patient encounter is by telephone, Dr. Kustka shall read the sign to the patient at the outset of the patient encounter. For further clarity, this sign shall state as follows: “Dr. Kustka must not provide medical exemptions in relation to COVID-19 mask requirements. Dr. Kustka must not prescribe ivermectin. Further information may be found on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario website at”.

(4) Dr. Kustka shall post a certified translation(s) in any language(s) in which she provides services, of the sign described in
(3) above, in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms, in all of her Practice Locations, in a clearly visible and secure location, in the form attached hereto as Schedule “A”.

(5) Dr. Kustka shall provide the certified translation(s) described in (4) above to the College within 30 days of the date of this Order;

(6) The College may accept an alternative arrangement with respect to signage in a hospital setting, in its sole discretion.
Notification of Practice Locations

(7) Dr. Kustka shall inform the College of each and every location at which she practices including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s), office(s) and virtual care setting(s) in any jurisdiction (collectively the “Practice Location(s)”), within five (5) days of this Order. Going forward, she shall inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within five (5) days of commencing practice at or accepting patients from that location.

(8) Dr. Kustka shall, within fourteen (14) days of the date of this Order, provide to the College her irrevocable consent in the form attached at Schedule “B” for the College to make appropriate enquiries of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (“OHIP”), to monitor her compliance with the terms of this Order.

(9) Dr. Kustka shall maintain a log of all professional encounters with patients, including both in-person encounters and encounters in a virtual setting, in the form attached at Schedule “C” (“Patient Log”). Dr. Kustka shall include in the Patient Log the name of each patient with whom she has a professional encounter and the date of the encounter; the patient’s date of birth; the reason for the visit; and the type of visit (i.e., telemedicine or in-person).

(10) Dr. Kustka shall provide a copy of the Patient Log to the College every two (2) weeks, or at any other time as requested by the College.

(11) Dr. Kustka shall submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of her Practice Locations and to inspections of patient charts by the College and to any other activity the College deems necessary in order to monitor Dr. Kustka’s compliance with the terms of this Order.

(12) Dr. Kustka shall consent to the College providing the Order to any Chief(s) of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location where she practices or has privileges (“Chief(s) of Staff”), and to provide said Chief(s) of Staff with any information the College has that led to this Order and/or any information arising from the monitoring of her compliance with this Order.

VIEW DETAILS chevron-down icon
As from 12:01 a.m., May 3, 2022, by order of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the following terms, conditions and limitations are imposed on the certificate of registration held by Dr. Sonja Sophia Kustka:

Practice Restriction

(1) Dr. Kustka shall not provide medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for COVID-19; and

(2) Dr. Kustka shall not prescribe ivermectin.

Posting a Sign and Translations

(3) Dr. Kustka shall post a sign in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms, in all Practice Locations, in a clearly visible and secure location, at all times whether or not she is physically present at the Practice Location, in the form set out at Schedule “A.” If providing care in a virtual setting, Dr. Kustka shall display the sign to the patient at the outset of the patient encounter. If the patient encounter is by telephone, Dr. Kustka shall read the sign to the patient at the outset of the patient encounter. For further clarity, this sign shall state as follows: “Dr. Kustka must not provide medical exemptions in relation to COVID-19 mask requirements. Dr. Kustka must not prescribe ivermectin. Further information may be found on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario website at”.

(4) Dr. Kustka shall post a certified translation(s) in any language(s) in which she provides services, of the sign described in
(3) above, in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms, in all of her Practice Locations, in a clearly visible and secure location, in the form attached hereto as Schedule “A”.

(5) Dr. Kustka shall provide the certified translation(s) described in (4) above to the College within 30 days of the date of this Order;

(6) The College may accept an alternative arrangement with respect to signage in a hospital setting, in its sole discretion.
Notification of Practice Locations

(7) Dr. Kustka shall inform the College of each and every location at which she practices including, but not limited to, hospital(s), clinic(s), office(s) and virtual care setting(s) in any jurisdiction (collectively the “Practice Location(s)”), within five (5) days of this Order. Going forward, she shall inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within five (5) days of commencing practice at or accepting patients from that location.

(8) Dr. Kustka shall, within fourteen (14) days of the date of this Order, provide to the College her irrevocable consent in the form attached at Schedule “B” for the College to make appropriate enquiries of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (“OHIP”), to monitor her compliance with the terms of this Order.

(9) Dr. Kustka shall maintain a log of all professional encounters with patients, including both in-person encounters and encounters in a virtual setting, in the form attached at Schedule “C” (“Patient Log”). Dr. Kustka shall include in the Patient Log the name of each patient with whom she has a professional encounter and the date of the encounter; the patient’s date of birth; the reason for the visit; and the type of visit (i.e., telemedicine or in-person).

(10) Dr. Kustka shall provide a copy of the Patient Log to the College every two (2) weeks, or at any other time as requested by the College.

(11) Dr. Kustka shall submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of her Practice Locations and to inspections of patient charts by the College and to any other activity the College deems necessary in order to monitor Dr. Kustka’s compliance with the terms of this Order.

(12) Dr. Kustka shall consent to the College providing the Order to any Chief(s) of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location where she practices or has privileges (“Chief(s) of Staff”), and to provide said Chief(s) of Staff with any information the College has that led to this Order and/or any information arising from the monitoring of her compliance with this Order.

A physician who has a restricted licence must follow specific terms and conditions in their practice.
A physician who has a restricted licence must follow specific terms and conditions in their practice.

Current Tribunal Proceedings (1)

Date of Referral or Application: 29 May 2023
Hearing Date(s): Motion (Request to participate): Apr 9, 2024; Motion (for a stay of proceedings); Aug 13, 2024
Allegations of Dr. Sonja Sophia Kustka’s professional misconduct have been referred to the Discipline Tribunal of the College. It is alleged that Dr. Kustka engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and/or failed to respond appropriately or within a reasonable period of time to a written inquiry from the College, in failing to co-operate with the College’s investigation, including by failing to provide information, records and documents requested by the College and refusing to permit College investigators to enter and/or inspect her practice location.

It is also alleged that Dr. Kustka engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and/or contravened a term, condition or limitation on her certificate of registration by breaching the terms of an interim order made under section 25.4 of the Health Professions Procedural Code, dated May 2, 2022.

Past Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Other Notifications (1)

Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Effective Date: 29 May 2023
A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed.  A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee.  The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015, or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.

See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a Caution-in-Person: 

Current Tribunal Proceedings (1)

Date of Referral or Application: 29 May 2023
Hearing Date(s): Motion (Request to participate): Apr 9, 2024; Motion (for a stay of proceedings); Aug 13, 2024
Allegations of Dr. Sonja Sophia Kustka’s professional misconduct have been referred to the Discipline Tribunal of the College. It is alleged that Dr. Kustka engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and/or failed to respond appropriately or within a reasonable period of time to a written inquiry from the College, in failing to co-operate with the College’s investigation, including by failing to provide information, records and documents requested by the College and refusing to permit College investigators to enter and/or inspect her practice location.

It is also alleged that Dr. Kustka engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and/or contravened a term, condition or limitation on her certificate of registration by breaching the terms of an interim order made under section 25.4 of the Health Professions Procedural Code, dated May 2, 2022.

Past Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Other Notifications (1)

Source: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Effective Date: 29 May 2023
A summary of a decision of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in which the disposition includes a "caution-in-person" is required by the College by-laws to be posted on the register, along with a note if the decision has been appealed.  A “caution-in-person” disposition requires the physician to attend at the College and be verbally cautioned by a panel of the Committee.  The summary will be removed from the register if the decision is overturned on appeal or review. Note that this requirement only applies to decisions arising out of a complaint dated on or after January 1, 2015, or if there was no complaint, the first appointment of investigators dated on or after January 1, 2015.

See PDF for the summary of a decision made against this member in which the disposition includes a Caution-in-Person: 


Medical School: University of Toronto, 1984

Registration History

Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 22 Nov 2023
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 23 Jun 2023
Transfer of class of registration to: Restricted Certificate Effective: 03 May 2022
Transfer of class of registration to: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 18 Jun 1985
First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate Effective: 11 Jun 1984
DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 22 Nov 2023

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 23 Jun 2023

DETAILS: Transfer of class of registration to: Restricted Certificate
Date: Effective: 03 May 2022
DETAILS: Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Date: Effective: 03 May 2022

DETAILS: Transfer of class of registration to: Independent Practice Certificate
Date: Effective: 18 Jun 1985

DETAILS: First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate
Date: Effective: 11 Jun 1984