18/02/25 16:05:44 PM

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Medical School: University of Brussels, 1988
Gender: Man

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: Address not Available
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: No Information Available
Fax: No Information Available


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

Professional Corporation Information

Corporation Name: Pardis Medicine Professional Corporation
Certificate of Authorization Status: Inactive End Date: 19 Apr 2022

General Information

Former Name: No Former Name
Gender: Man
Medical School: University of Brussels, 1988

Practice Information

Primary Business Location: Address not Available
Business Email: No Information Available
Phone: No Information Available
Fax: No Information Available


No Specialty Reported

Hospital Privileges

No information available

Professional Corporation Information

Corporation Name: Pardis Medicine Professional Corporation
Certificate of Authorization Status: Inactive End Date: 19 Apr 2022

Practice Conditions

This physician is inactive (Expired, Resigned, Suspended, Revoked, or Deceased) and is not permitted to practise medicine.
This physician is inactive (Expired, Resigned, Suspended, Revoked, or Deceased) and is not permitted to practise medicine.

Current Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Past Tribunal Proceedings (2)

Date of Decision: 06 Dec 2021
Summary of Decision:
On December 7, 2020, allegations of professional misconduct against Dr. Pardis were referred to the Discipline Committee of the College, now the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal. Dr. Pardis is a family physician with a practice focusing on treatment of addiction.

The Notice of Hearing alleged Dr. Pardis had committed an act of professional misconduct and is incompetent.

The Tribunal heard the matter on November 17 and December 6, 2021 by videoconference. Dr. Pardis and his counsel attended the hearing, as did counsel for the College.


On the basis of an Agreed Statement of Facts and Admission and after hearing submissions of both counsel, the OPSDT found on December 6, 2021 that Dr. Pardis committed an act of professional misconduct in that he has failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, has engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional, had a conflict of interest and is incompetent.

On February 17, 2022 the OPSDT released reasons for finding and its decision on penalty and costs.


The parties provided an agreed statement of the facts on penalty. They were not able to agree on penalty.

The OPSDT found Dr. Pardis’s misconduct and incompetence was extensive, multi-faceted and lengthy. He placed many patients at risk of potential harm. He failed to meet the standard of practice of the profession. Despite having been spared a suspension in 2017 and taking the need for rehabilitation and improvement seriously, he violated his undertaking to the College in many ways over two years. The College applied many techniques, including interim supervision, clinical supervision and others, in an effort to improve his practice management, office administration, clinical practice, infection prevention and record-keeping. If anything, the length, breadth and depth of Dr. Pardis’s ethical breaches only became more obvious, far-reaching and surprising with the passage of time.

In the circumstances, the OPSDT concluded that only revocation - not a 12-month suspension as proposed by Dr. Pardis - was a proportional response given the history of recurring misconduct and incompetence. Revocation would maintain public confidence in the profession and assure the public that College processes can provide protection from similar misconduct.

Dr. Pardis was ordered to attend to be reprimanded and pay costs to the College of $10,370. The OPSDT directed the Registrar to revoke Dr. Pardis’s certificate of registration effective February 18, 2022.
Reasons for Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): 2021-11-17 and 2021-12-06

Date of Decision: 08 Mar 2017
Summary of Decision:
On March 8, 2017, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Pardis has committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he has failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession.

Dr. Pardis is a family physician who practised in the Greater Toronto area, maintaining both a family practice and a methadone practice.

Family Practice

In February 2013, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College required Dr. Pardis to complete a specified education and remediation program directed at his family practice, including coursework, a preceptorship, and a reassessment. The preceptor identified a number of concerns with Dr. Pardis’ practice, including a need for better documentation of physician-patient encounters and to consistently update Cumulative Patient Profiles. The preceptor found that Dr. Pardis made improvements in his recordkeeping throughout the course of the preceptorship, however, identified a number of specific care concerns, including two cases in which symptoms that Dr. Pardis failed to investigate could be due to an underlying malignancy.
As a result, the College commenced an investigation into Dr. Pardis’ practice.

The medical expert who reviewed Dr. Pardis’ family practice observed that Dr. Pardis’ practice consisted primarily of immigrants from Iran, many of whom spent time regularly in Iran while also seeing physicians there, and that it was difficult to provide comprehensive coordinated care to those patients. He indicated that Dr. Pardis provided care with cultural sensitivity and demonstrated knowledge of the circumstances of their lives. However, Dr. Pardis failed to meet the standard of practice of the profession. His recordkeeping fell below the standard in most caess. He failed to provide preventive care that met the standard of practice in the majority of cases. He lacked a coordinated approach to chronic disease management. He did not document; weighingthe risks when prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (“NSAIDs”) to patients with cardiovascular risk factors and/or gastrointestinal inflammation and lacked knowledge in this regard.. Hedid not take steps to provide renal and vascular protection to patients with diabetes. He engaged in over-testing and over-screening, including by ordering unnecessary echocardiograms and routine blood and urine testing without justification. He overprescribed antibiotics for viral illnesses. He co-ordinated care poorly with consultants regarding medication management.

The medical expert found a more immediate risk of harm in four cases, and found that on balance that Dr. Pardis’ care was “substandard” and represented a potential risk of harm.

Methadone Practice

As a result of clinical concerns on the part of the College’s Methadone Committee regarding Dr. Pardis’ methadone practice and his ongoing deviations from the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Guidelines, Dr. Pardis entered into an undertaking on November 9, 2010, by which he agreed that his methadone practice would be subject to clinical supervision and would be reassessed by a College-appointed assessor.
The assessor found that Dr. Pardis failed to meet the standard of practice of the profession 
regarding three patients, and in his medical record-keeping, which was so deficient that it was not possible to determine in other cases whether his care met the standard of practice of the profession. The assessor also noted concerns regarding Dr. Pardis’ prescribing of testosterone replacement to methadone patients, specifically appropriate dosage and regular monitoring of the same in eight cases.

In response to the assessor’s concerns, Dr. Pardis indicated that he had made changes to his practice, including only prescribing medications in his methadone practice that are related to methadone treatment and its side effects, seeking to improve his counselling of patients about side effects and risks of medications and documenting those discussions, and documenting patient counselling. He also advised that he had upgraded his electronic medical recordkeeping system to include a methadone module.

College History
In February 2013, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“ICRC”) of the College considered a report of an investigation into Dr. Pardis’ family practice, which noted deficiencies of care, including in primary prevention. The ICRC ordered Dr. Pardis to undergo a specified continuing education or remediation program (“SCERP”), which resulted in the preceptorship described above. The ICRC also issued Dr. Pardis a written caution with respect to his record- keeping, which it described as “very deficient,” and provided him with advice about his practice management.

Also in February 2013, the ICRC issued in a public complaint a written caution to Dr. Pardis with respect to compliance with the College policy on Ending the Physician-Patient Relationship and also practice deficiencies that result in poor patient care, including that: he should not treat methadone patients for chronic pain or for other medical problems (i.e. family practice concerns); he should ensure better practice management, e.g. assigning appointment times; he should ensure his medical record-keeping is in keeping with the expectations set out in the College policy on Medical Records.

Dr. Pardis’ Status Pending the Hearing

The ICRC made an interim order on April 12, 2016 under section 37 of the Health Professions Procedural Code, pending resolution of the allegations against him, Dr. Pardis was required, among other things, to practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor acceptable to the College in his family medicine practice. On April 15, 2016, Dr. Pardis’ counsel advised that, as Dr. Pardis did not expect to be able to find a clinical supervisor for his family practice, he would cease practising family medicine as of April 24, 2016. Dr. Pardis has not practised family medicine since that date.

Dr. Pardis entered into an interim undertaking regarding his methadone practice pending resolution of the allegations against him. Among other things, Dr. Pardis agreed to practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor acceptable to the College in respect of his methadone practice. Dr. Pardis practised under the guidance of a clinical supervisor in respect of his methadone practice pending the hearing. The clinical supervisor’s reports have been positive.

Dr. Pardis’ Undertaking

Dr. Pardis entered into an undertaking dated March 8, 2017, not to practise family medicine, effective immediately. He has agreed to notify each of his methadone patients in writing that he cannot act as their family physician or provide primary care, and to advise them that they should have their own family physician. Dr. Pardis has undertaken to maintain a record of this communication in each patient’s chart and to note in the patient’s chart whether he or she has a family physician and, if so, who that is, and to communicate relevant information to each patient’s family physician.


The Discipline Committee ordered that:
- The Registrar to place the following terms, conditions and limitations, effective immediately, on Dr. Pardis’ certificate of registration:
Clinical Supervision
(a) Dr. Pardis shall retain a clinical supervisor, approved by the College, who will sign an undertaking in the form attached hereto as Appendix “A” (the “Clinical Supervisor”), to be returned to the College in executed form no later than seven (7) days after the date of this Order. Dr. Pardis shall practise with respect to his methadone practice under the guidance of the Clinical Supervisor for a period of three (3) months, during which time the Clinical Supervisor will at minimum review at least ten (10) of Dr. Pardis’ patient charts from his methadone practice once every month, to be selected independently by the Clinical Supervisor. Dr. Pardis shall meet with the Clinical Supervisor at least once every month at his Practice Location or another location approved by the College to discuss any concerns related to patient care and/or arising from the Clinical Supervisor’s chart review. Dr. Pardis shall cooperate fully with the Clinical Supervisor and shall abide by the recommendations of the Clinical Supervisor, including, but not limited to, any recommended practice improvements and ongoing professional development.
(b) If a person who has given an undertaking in Appendix “A” to this Order is unable or unwilling to continue to fulfil its provisions, Dr. Pardis shall, within twenty (20) days of receiving notice of same, obtain an executed undertaking in the same form from a similarly qualified person who is acceptable to the College and ensure that it is delivered to the College within that time.
(c) If Dr. Pardis is unable to obtain a Clinical Supervisor on the provisions set out under paragraphs 3(a) and/or (b) above, Dr. Pardis shall cease practising medicine until such time as he has obtained a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College. If he is required to cease practising medicine as a result of the application of this term of this Order, this requirement shall constitute a term, condition or limitation on his certificate of registration and that term, condition or limitation will be included on the College’s public register.
(d) Within approximately six (6) months after the completion of the period of Clinical Supervision referred to above in paragraph 3(a), Dr. Pardis will submit to a reassessment of his methadone practice (the “First Reassessment”) by an assessor or assessors selected 
by the College (the “Assessor(s)”). The Reassessment may include a chart review, direct observation of Dr. Pardis’ care, interviews with colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients and any other tools deemed necessary by the College. The First Reassessment shall be at Dr. Pardis’ expense and he shall co-operate fully with all elements of the First Reassessment. Dr. Pardis shall abide by all recommendations made by the Assessor(s) subject to paragraph (f) below, and the results of the First Reassessment will be reported to the College and may form the basis of further action by the College.
(e) Within approximately twelve (12) months after the completion of the process of the First Reassessment, Dr. Pardis will submit to a further reassessment of his methadone practice (the “Second Reassessment”) by an assessor or assessors selected by the College (the “Assessor(s)”). The Second Reassessment may include a chart review, direct observation of Dr. Pardis’ care, interviews with colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients and any other tools deemed necessary by the College. The Second Reassessment shall be at Dr. Pardis’ expense and he shall co-operate fully with all elements of the Second Reassessment. Dr. Pardis shall abide by all recommendations made by the Assessor(s) subject to paragraph (f) below, and the results of the Second Reassessment will be reported to the College and may form the basis of further action by the College.
(f) If after either the First or Second Reassessment, Dr. Pardis is of the view that any of the Assessor(s)’s recommendations are unreasonable, he will have fifteen (15) days following his receipt of the recommendations within which to provide the College with his submissions in this regard. The Inquiries Complaints and Reports (“ICR”) Committee will consider those submissions and make a determination regarding whether the recommendations are reasonable, and that decision will be provided to Dr. Pardis. Following that decision, Dr. Pardis will abide by those recommendations of the Assessor(s) that the ICR Committee has determined are reasonable. Any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which are terms, conditions or limitations on Dr. Pardis’ practice and any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which the ICR Committee has identified in its decision(s) referenced in this term of this Order shall be terms, conditions or limitations on Dr. Pardis’ practice, to be included on the College’s public register.
(g) Dr. Pardis shall inform the College of each and every location where he practices, in any jurisdiction (his “Practice Location(s)”) within seven (7) days of this Order, and shall inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within seven (7) days of commencing practice at that location, until the report of the assessment of his practice have been reported to the College.
(h) Dr. Pardis shall submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of his Practice Location(s) and and to any other activity the College deems necessary in order to monitor his compliance with the provisions of this Order.
(i) Dr. Pardis shall give his irrevocable consent to the College making appropriate enquiries of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010, and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor his compliance with this Order.
(j) Dr. Pardis shall give his irrevocable consent to the College to provide the following information to all Clinical Supervisors and/or Assessors:
a. Any information the College has that led to the circumstances of this Order;
b. Any information arising from any investigation into, or assessment of, Dr. Pardis’ practice;
c. Any information arising from the monitoring of his compliance with this Order or of any Undertaking to the College into which he has entered.
(k) Dr. Pardis shall give his irrevocable consent to all Clinical Supervisors and Assessors to disclose to the College and to one another any information:
a. Relevant to this Order or to any Undertaking to the College into which he has entered, including but not limited to his compliance with the same;
b. Relevant to the provisions of the Clinical Supervisor’s undertaking set out at Appendix “A” to this Order;
c. Relevant to the First or Second Reassessment; and/or
d. Which comes to their attention in the course of their duties under this Order and which they reasonably believe indicates a potential risk of harm to his patients.
(l) Dr. Pardis shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with implementing the terms of this Order.
- Dr. Pardis appear before the panel to be reprimanded.
- Dr. Pardis pay to the College costs in the amount of $5,500.00, within 30 days of the date of this Order.
Reasons for Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): March 8, 2017

Other Notifications (1)

Source: Member
Effective Date: 08 Mar 2017
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Bijan Pardis to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective March 8, 2017:

Allegations of professional misconduct regarding Dr. Pardis were referred to the Discipline Committee of the College. As a result, Dr. Pardis must not practise family medicine.

Dr. Pardis must notify each patient in his practice in writing that:
1. He cannot act as their family physician or provide any family medicine services to them;

2. He advises them to have a family physician and asks them to provide him with their family physician’s contact information; and

3. It is desirable that he be able to communicate with their family physician for the purpose of providing health care and ensuring that the family physician, who is in their circle of care, is aware of his treatment and receives relevant information.

Dr. Pardis must communicate to each patient’s family physician any information that is reasonably necessary for providing care, including relevant test results, subject to any limit placed by the patient on his doing so.

Current Tribunal Proceedings

No information available

Past Tribunal Proceedings (2)

Date of Decision: 06 Dec 2021
Summary of Decision:
On December 7, 2020, allegations of professional misconduct against Dr. Pardis were referred to the Discipline Committee of the College, now the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal. Dr. Pardis is a family physician with a practice focusing on treatment of addiction.

The Notice of Hearing alleged Dr. Pardis had committed an act of professional misconduct and is incompetent.

The Tribunal heard the matter on November 17 and December 6, 2021 by videoconference. Dr. Pardis and his counsel attended the hearing, as did counsel for the College.


On the basis of an Agreed Statement of Facts and Admission and after hearing submissions of both counsel, the OPSDT found on December 6, 2021 that Dr. Pardis committed an act of professional misconduct in that he has failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession, has engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional, had a conflict of interest and is incompetent.

On February 17, 2022 the OPSDT released reasons for finding and its decision on penalty and costs.


The parties provided an agreed statement of the facts on penalty. They were not able to agree on penalty.

The OPSDT found Dr. Pardis’s misconduct and incompetence was extensive, multi-faceted and lengthy. He placed many patients at risk of potential harm. He failed to meet the standard of practice of the profession. Despite having been spared a suspension in 2017 and taking the need for rehabilitation and improvement seriously, he violated his undertaking to the College in many ways over two years. The College applied many techniques, including interim supervision, clinical supervision and others, in an effort to improve his practice management, office administration, clinical practice, infection prevention and record-keeping. If anything, the length, breadth and depth of Dr. Pardis’s ethical breaches only became more obvious, far-reaching and surprising with the passage of time.

In the circumstances, the OPSDT concluded that only revocation - not a 12-month suspension as proposed by Dr. Pardis - was a proportional response given the history of recurring misconduct and incompetence. Revocation would maintain public confidence in the profession and assure the public that College processes can provide protection from similar misconduct.

Dr. Pardis was ordered to attend to be reprimanded and pay costs to the College of $10,370. The OPSDT directed the Registrar to revoke Dr. Pardis’s certificate of registration effective February 18, 2022.
Reasons for Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): 2021-11-17 and 2021-12-06

Date of Decision: 08 Mar 2017
Summary of Decision:
On March 8, 2017, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Pardis has committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he has failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession.

Dr. Pardis is a family physician who practised in the Greater Toronto area, maintaining both a family practice and a methadone practice.

Family Practice

In February 2013, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College required Dr. Pardis to complete a specified education and remediation program directed at his family practice, including coursework, a preceptorship, and a reassessment. The preceptor identified a number of concerns with Dr. Pardis’ practice, including a need for better documentation of physician-patient encounters and to consistently update Cumulative Patient Profiles. The preceptor found that Dr. Pardis made improvements in his recordkeeping throughout the course of the preceptorship, however, identified a number of specific care concerns, including two cases in which symptoms that Dr. Pardis failed to investigate could be due to an underlying malignancy.
As a result, the College commenced an investigation into Dr. Pardis’ practice.

The medical expert who reviewed Dr. Pardis’ family practice observed that Dr. Pardis’ practice consisted primarily of immigrants from Iran, many of whom spent time regularly in Iran while also seeing physicians there, and that it was difficult to provide comprehensive coordinated care to those patients. He indicated that Dr. Pardis provided care with cultural sensitivity and demonstrated knowledge of the circumstances of their lives. However, Dr. Pardis failed to meet the standard of practice of the profession. His recordkeeping fell below the standard in most caess. He failed to provide preventive care that met the standard of practice in the majority of cases. He lacked a coordinated approach to chronic disease management. He did not document; weighingthe risks when prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (“NSAIDs”) to patients with cardiovascular risk factors and/or gastrointestinal inflammation and lacked knowledge in this regard.. Hedid not take steps to provide renal and vascular protection to patients with diabetes. He engaged in over-testing and over-screening, including by ordering unnecessary echocardiograms and routine blood and urine testing without justification. He overprescribed antibiotics for viral illnesses. He co-ordinated care poorly with consultants regarding medication management.

The medical expert found a more immediate risk of harm in four cases, and found that on balance that Dr. Pardis’ care was “substandard” and represented a potential risk of harm.

Methadone Practice

As a result of clinical concerns on the part of the College’s Methadone Committee regarding Dr. Pardis’ methadone practice and his ongoing deviations from the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Guidelines, Dr. Pardis entered into an undertaking on November 9, 2010, by which he agreed that his methadone practice would be subject to clinical supervision and would be reassessed by a College-appointed assessor.
The assessor found that Dr. Pardis failed to meet the standard of practice of the profession 
regarding three patients, and in his medical record-keeping, which was so deficient that it was not possible to determine in other cases whether his care met the standard of practice of the profession. The assessor also noted concerns regarding Dr. Pardis’ prescribing of testosterone replacement to methadone patients, specifically appropriate dosage and regular monitoring of the same in eight cases.

In response to the assessor’s concerns, Dr. Pardis indicated that he had made changes to his practice, including only prescribing medications in his methadone practice that are related to methadone treatment and its side effects, seeking to improve his counselling of patients about side effects and risks of medications and documenting those discussions, and documenting patient counselling. He also advised that he had upgraded his electronic medical recordkeeping system to include a methadone module.

College History
In February 2013, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“ICRC”) of the College considered a report of an investigation into Dr. Pardis’ family practice, which noted deficiencies of care, including in primary prevention. The ICRC ordered Dr. Pardis to undergo a specified continuing education or remediation program (“SCERP”), which resulted in the preceptorship described above. The ICRC also issued Dr. Pardis a written caution with respect to his record- keeping, which it described as “very deficient,” and provided him with advice about his practice management.

Also in February 2013, the ICRC issued in a public complaint a written caution to Dr. Pardis with respect to compliance with the College policy on Ending the Physician-Patient Relationship and also practice deficiencies that result in poor patient care, including that: he should not treat methadone patients for chronic pain or for other medical problems (i.e. family practice concerns); he should ensure better practice management, e.g. assigning appointment times; he should ensure his medical record-keeping is in keeping with the expectations set out in the College policy on Medical Records.

Dr. Pardis’ Status Pending the Hearing

The ICRC made an interim order on April 12, 2016 under section 37 of the Health Professions Procedural Code, pending resolution of the allegations against him, Dr. Pardis was required, among other things, to practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor acceptable to the College in his family medicine practice. On April 15, 2016, Dr. Pardis’ counsel advised that, as Dr. Pardis did not expect to be able to find a clinical supervisor for his family practice, he would cease practising family medicine as of April 24, 2016. Dr. Pardis has not practised family medicine since that date.

Dr. Pardis entered into an interim undertaking regarding his methadone practice pending resolution of the allegations against him. Among other things, Dr. Pardis agreed to practise under the guidance of a clinical supervisor acceptable to the College in respect of his methadone practice. Dr. Pardis practised under the guidance of a clinical supervisor in respect of his methadone practice pending the hearing. The clinical supervisor’s reports have been positive.

Dr. Pardis’ Undertaking

Dr. Pardis entered into an undertaking dated March 8, 2017, not to practise family medicine, effective immediately. He has agreed to notify each of his methadone patients in writing that he cannot act as their family physician or provide primary care, and to advise them that they should have their own family physician. Dr. Pardis has undertaken to maintain a record of this communication in each patient’s chart and to note in the patient’s chart whether he or she has a family physician and, if so, who that is, and to communicate relevant information to each patient’s family physician.


The Discipline Committee ordered that:
- The Registrar to place the following terms, conditions and limitations, effective immediately, on Dr. Pardis’ certificate of registration:
Clinical Supervision
(a) Dr. Pardis shall retain a clinical supervisor, approved by the College, who will sign an undertaking in the form attached hereto as Appendix “A” (the “Clinical Supervisor”), to be returned to the College in executed form no later than seven (7) days after the date of this Order. Dr. Pardis shall practise with respect to his methadone practice under the guidance of the Clinical Supervisor for a period of three (3) months, during which time the Clinical Supervisor will at minimum review at least ten (10) of Dr. Pardis’ patient charts from his methadone practice once every month, to be selected independently by the Clinical Supervisor. Dr. Pardis shall meet with the Clinical Supervisor at least once every month at his Practice Location or another location approved by the College to discuss any concerns related to patient care and/or arising from the Clinical Supervisor’s chart review. Dr. Pardis shall cooperate fully with the Clinical Supervisor and shall abide by the recommendations of the Clinical Supervisor, including, but not limited to, any recommended practice improvements and ongoing professional development.
(b) If a person who has given an undertaking in Appendix “A” to this Order is unable or unwilling to continue to fulfil its provisions, Dr. Pardis shall, within twenty (20) days of receiving notice of same, obtain an executed undertaking in the same form from a similarly qualified person who is acceptable to the College and ensure that it is delivered to the College within that time.
(c) If Dr. Pardis is unable to obtain a Clinical Supervisor on the provisions set out under paragraphs 3(a) and/or (b) above, Dr. Pardis shall cease practising medicine until such time as he has obtained a Clinical Supervisor acceptable to the College. If he is required to cease practising medicine as a result of the application of this term of this Order, this requirement shall constitute a term, condition or limitation on his certificate of registration and that term, condition or limitation will be included on the College’s public register.
(d) Within approximately six (6) months after the completion of the period of Clinical Supervision referred to above in paragraph 3(a), Dr. Pardis will submit to a reassessment of his methadone practice (the “First Reassessment”) by an assessor or assessors selected 
by the College (the “Assessor(s)”). The Reassessment may include a chart review, direct observation of Dr. Pardis’ care, interviews with colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients and any other tools deemed necessary by the College. The First Reassessment shall be at Dr. Pardis’ expense and he shall co-operate fully with all elements of the First Reassessment. Dr. Pardis shall abide by all recommendations made by the Assessor(s) subject to paragraph (f) below, and the results of the First Reassessment will be reported to the College and may form the basis of further action by the College.
(e) Within approximately twelve (12) months after the completion of the process of the First Reassessment, Dr. Pardis will submit to a further reassessment of his methadone practice (the “Second Reassessment”) by an assessor or assessors selected by the College (the “Assessor(s)”). The Second Reassessment may include a chart review, direct observation of Dr. Pardis’ care, interviews with colleagues and co-workers, feedback from patients and any other tools deemed necessary by the College. The Second Reassessment shall be at Dr. Pardis’ expense and he shall co-operate fully with all elements of the Second Reassessment. Dr. Pardis shall abide by all recommendations made by the Assessor(s) subject to paragraph (f) below, and the results of the Second Reassessment will be reported to the College and may form the basis of further action by the College.
(f) If after either the First or Second Reassessment, Dr. Pardis is of the view that any of the Assessor(s)’s recommendations are unreasonable, he will have fifteen (15) days following his receipt of the recommendations within which to provide the College with his submissions in this regard. The Inquiries Complaints and Reports (“ICR”) Committee will consider those submissions and make a determination regarding whether the recommendations are reasonable, and that decision will be provided to Dr. Pardis. Following that decision, Dr. Pardis will abide by those recommendations of the Assessor(s) that the ICR Committee has determined are reasonable. Any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which are terms, conditions or limitations on Dr. Pardis’ practice and any recommendations of the Assessor(s) which the ICR Committee has identified in its decision(s) referenced in this term of this Order shall be terms, conditions or limitations on Dr. Pardis’ practice, to be included on the College’s public register.
(g) Dr. Pardis shall inform the College of each and every location where he practices, in any jurisdiction (his “Practice Location(s)”) within seven (7) days of this Order, and shall inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within seven (7) days of commencing practice at that location, until the report of the assessment of his practice have been reported to the College.
(h) Dr. Pardis shall submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of his Practice Location(s) and and to any other activity the College deems necessary in order to monitor his compliance with the provisions of this Order.
(i) Dr. Pardis shall give his irrevocable consent to the College making appropriate enquiries of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, the Drug Program Services Branch, the Narcotics Monitoring System implemented under the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010, and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor his compliance with this Order.
(j) Dr. Pardis shall give his irrevocable consent to the College to provide the following information to all Clinical Supervisors and/or Assessors:
a. Any information the College has that led to the circumstances of this Order;
b. Any information arising from any investigation into, or assessment of, Dr. Pardis’ practice;
c. Any information arising from the monitoring of his compliance with this Order or of any Undertaking to the College into which he has entered.
(k) Dr. Pardis shall give his irrevocable consent to all Clinical Supervisors and Assessors to disclose to the College and to one another any information:
a. Relevant to this Order or to any Undertaking to the College into which he has entered, including but not limited to his compliance with the same;
b. Relevant to the provisions of the Clinical Supervisor’s undertaking set out at Appendix “A” to this Order;
c. Relevant to the First or Second Reassessment; and/or
d. Which comes to their attention in the course of their duties under this Order and which they reasonably believe indicates a potential risk of harm to his patients.
(l) Dr. Pardis shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with implementing the terms of this Order.
- Dr. Pardis appear before the panel to be reprimanded.
- Dr. Pardis pay to the College costs in the amount of $5,500.00, within 30 days of the date of this Order.
Reasons for Decision: Download Full Decision (PDF)
Hearing Date(s): March 8, 2017

Other Notifications (1)

Source: Member
Effective Date: 08 Mar 2017
Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. Bijan Pardis to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective March 8, 2017:

Allegations of professional misconduct regarding Dr. Pardis were referred to the Discipline Committee of the College. As a result, Dr. Pardis must not practise family medicine.

Dr. Pardis must notify each patient in his practice in writing that:
1. He cannot act as their family physician or provide any family medicine services to them;

2. He advises them to have a family physician and asks them to provide him with their family physician’s contact information; and

3. It is desirable that he be able to communicate with their family physician for the purpose of providing health care and ensuring that the family physician, who is in their circle of care, is aware of his treatment and receives relevant information.

Dr. Pardis must communicate to each patient’s family physician any information that is reasonably necessary for providing care, including relevant test results, subject to any limit placed by the patient on his doing so.


Medical School: University of Brussels, 1988

Registration History

Revoked: Discipline Committee. Effective: 18 Feb 2022
Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. Effective: 04 Aug 2018
Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. Effective: 07 Jul 2018
Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee. Effective: 08 Mar 2017
Terms and conditions amended by Member. Effective: 28 Apr 2016
Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. Effective: 25 Apr 2016
Transfer of class of registration to: Restricted Certificate Effective: 14 Apr 2016
Transfer of class of registration to: Independent Practice Certificate Effective: 19 Dec 1997
First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate Effective: 01 Jul 1995
DETAILS: Revoked: Discipline Committee.
Date: Effective: 18 Feb 2022

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee.
Date: Effective: 04 Aug 2018

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee.
Date: Effective: 07 Jul 2018

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Discipline Committee.
Date: Effective: 08 Mar 2017

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Member.
Date: Effective: 28 Apr 2016

DETAILS: Terms and conditions amended by Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee.
Date: Effective: 25 Apr 2016

DETAILS: Transfer of class of registration to: Restricted Certificate
Date: Effective: 14 Apr 2016
DETAILS: Terms and conditions imposed on certificate by: Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
Date: Effective: 14 Apr 2016

DETAILS: Transfer of class of registration to: Independent Practice Certificate
Date: Effective: 19 Dec 1997

DETAILS: First certificate of registration issued: Postgraduate Education Certificate
Date: Effective: 01 Jul 1995